Manager Guide
Salary & Payroll

Manage salary

In Marco, the staff's salary package will be recorded as individual pay items, such as Basic Salary, Transport Allowance, Sales Commission, and so on. You can configure each pay item based on:

  • Country
  • Item Type
  • Frequency
Marco Platform's People page Pay tab, with the Manage Pay Item screen open, showing the staff's pay items.
Pay items

Each pay item can contain multiple entries. Each entry contains the following details about the pay item:

  • Pay amount
  • Currency
  • Payment type
  • Effective date
  • End date
Marco Platform's Manage Pay Item screen, showing a list of the staff's pay items with all the entries under each pay item.
Pay item entries

Assigning salary package to staff

When adding the staff's salary package in Marco for the first time, you can begin by adding the necessary pay items for the staff.

You can add new entries to a pay item whenever there is an adjustment to the staff's salary package. When a staff's salary package is adjusted, each new entry will override the previous entry from the new effective date onwards. For more information on managing salary adjustments, refer to Salary adjustments.

Only active pay item entries will appear in the staff's Pay Details page. Overridden entries and entries with an effective date in the future will not appear.

Marco Platform's My Pay page Pay Details tab.
Only active pay items appear for the staff

Salary adjustments

A staff's salary package can change in several ways. If there is an adjustment to a staff's salary package, you can manage it in Marco by completing the following steps:

Type of salary change

How to manage the change in Marco

Additional pay items, such as a new allowance

Pay adjustment, such as a pay increment or pay cut

Pay item cuts, such as the removal of an allowance


  • Additional pay item Due to a revised company policy, all staff will receive a transport allowance from September 2021 onwards. A new pay item, Transport Allowance, is added with an effective date of 1 September 2021. On 1 September 2021, all affected staff will see the Transport Allowance in their Pay Details.
  • Pay adjustment Staff X receives an annual salary increment at the end of 2023. A new entry is added to Basic Salary, containing the new monthly salary with an effective date for 1 January 2024. The previous Basic Salary entry is edited to reflect an end date of 31 December 2023. On 1 January 2024, Staff X will see the new salary details in their Pay Details.
  • Pay item cut Due to a reduced budget, all staff will no longer receive a lunch allowance after July 2020. The current Food Allowance entry is edited to reflect an end date of 31 July 2020. From 1 August 2020 onwards, all affected staff will no longer see the Food Allowance in their Pay Details.

Add pay items

If a staff does not have a pay item in their pay details, you must add it to create the first pay item entry.

Before you begin:

Prepare the following details for each pay item:

To add a new pay item:

  1. Go to People.
  2. Select a staff > Pay.
  3. Under Pay Details, select Manage Pay Items.
    The Manage Pay Items screen appears.
  4. Select Add New Pay Item.
    The New Pay Item screen appears.
  5. Select the Country and Pay Item.
  6. Enter the pay details.
  7. Select Save Changes.

Add new entries to pay items

You can add new entries to existing pay items. This is useful for cases when a staff receives a pay adjustment.

To add a pay item entry:

  1. Go to People.
  2. Select a staff > Pay.
  3. Under Pay Details, select Manage Pay Items.
    The Manage Pay Items screen appears.
  4. Under a pay item, select the Expand icon to view the pay item entries.

    Marco Platform's Manage Pay Item screen, with Expand highlighted.
  5. Select Add New Entry.
    The Add New Entry screen.
  6. Enter the pay details for the new entry.
  7. Select Save Changes.
    A new entry has been added to the pay item.

Edit pay entry details

You can edit the following details for each pay item entry:

  • Payment type
    • Gross—the stated amount includes taxes, employee contributions, and other deductions.
    • Net—the stated amount excludes taxes, employee contributions, and other deductions.
    • CTC (Cost to Company)—the stated amount accounts for the full employee cost, including employer contributions.
  • Pay amount and currency
  • Effective date
  • End date

This is useful for cases when the pay details are inaccurate, or if an end date needs to be added to the pay entry.

To edit a pay item entry:

  1. Go to People.
  2. Select a staff > Pay.
  3. Under Pay Details, select Manage Pay Items.
    The Manage Pay Items screen appears.
  4. Under a pay item, select the Expand icon to view the pay item entries.

    Marco Platform's Manage Pay Item screen, with Expand highlighted.
  5. Under the relevant pay item entry, select Edit.
    The Edit Entry screen appears.
  6. Update the relevant fields.
  7. Select Save Changes.

Delete entries from pay items

If you delete a pay item entry, the action cannot be reversed. If you want to implement a pay cut for a staff, refer to Salary adjustments for recommendations on how to manage your staff's salary changes instead.

To delete a pay item entry:

  1. Go to People.
  2. Select a staff > Pay.
  3. Under Pay Details, select Manage Pay Items.
    The Manage Pay Items screen appears.
  4. Under a pay item, select the Expand icon to view the pay item entries.

    Marco Platform's Manage Pay Item screen, with Expand highlighted.
  5. Under the relevant pay item entry, select Remove.

If there is only one entry in the pay item, the pay item will also be automatically removed when the entry is deleted.

Updated 20 Nov 2023
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