Manager Guide
Time & Leave

Manage leave balance

In Marco, the staff's leave balance is managed as individual leave items. You can configure each leave item based on:

  • Country
  • Item Type
Marco Platform's People page Time tab, with the Manage Leave Item screen open, showing a list of the staff's leave items.
Leave items

Each leave item can contain multiple entries. Each entry contains the following details about the leave item:

The total amount of leave days for each item includes both the entitlement amount and carried-over amount.

Assigning leave balance to staff

As a manager, you can add new leave item entries periodically to assign the correct leave balance to the staff. For example, a manager adds a new entry to the Annual Leave item every year, with each entry containing a new effective date.

Marco Platform's Manage Leave Item screen, showing a list of the staff's leave items with all the entries under each leave item.
Leave item entries

The overall process for assigning the staff's leave balance is:

  1. Add leave items to grant the first leave balance.
  2. Add new entries to leave items to renew the leave balance.

Leave balance renewal

When a staff's leave balance is renewed, each new entry will override the previous entry from the new effective date onwards. Likewise, all leave requests from the effective date onwards will be deducted from the new leave balance.

Only active leave item entries will appear in the staff's Leave Balance page. Overridden entries and entries with an effective date in the future will not appear. The staff can apply for leave based on the current leave balance amount shown.

Marco Platform's My Time page Leave Balance tab.
Only active leave items appear for the staff

Add leave items

If a staff does not have a leave item in their leave balance, you must add it to create the first leave item entry.

Before you begin:

Prepare the following details for each leave item:

To add a new leave item:

  1. Go to People.
  2. Select a staff > Time > Leave Balance.
  3. Select Manage Leave.
    The Manage Leave Item screen appears.
  4. Select Add New Leave Item.
    The New Leave Item screen appears.
  5. Select the Country and Leave Item.
  6. Enter the leave details.
  7. Select Save Changes.

Add new entries to leave items

You can add new entries to existing leave items. This is useful for cases when a staff's leave balance is renewed.

To add a leave item entry:

  1. Go to People.
  2. Select a staff > Time > Leave Balance.
  3. Select Manage Leave.
    The Manage Leave Items screen appears.
  4. Under a leave item, select the Expand icon to view the leave item entries.

    Marco Platform's Manage Leave Item screen, with Expand highlighted.
  5. Select Add New Entry.
    The Add New Entry screen.
  6. Enter the leave details for the new entry.
  7. Select Save Changes.
    A new entry has been added to the leave item.

Edit leave entry details

You can edit the following details for each leave item entry:

This is useful for cases when the leave details are inaccurate, or if the leave details need to be changed due to changes in your company's HR policy. For example, the staff's leave entitlement amount must be pro-rated when they resign, or the new HR policy states a revised expiry date for carried-over leave.

To edit a leave item entry:

  1. Go to People.
  2. Select a staff > Time > Leave Balance.
  3. Select Manage Leaves.
    The Manage Leave Items screen appears.
  4. Under a leave item, select the Expand icon to view the leave item entries.

    Marco Platform's Manage Leave Item screen, with Expand highlighted.
  5. Under the relevant leave item entry, select Edit.
    The Edit Entry screen appears.
  6. Update the relevant fields.
  7. Select Save Changes.

Delete entries from leave items

If you delete a leave item entry, the action cannot be reversed. If you want to grant a new leave balance, you can simply add a new leave item entry instead. The new leave item entry will override the previous entry based on the new effective date, and all following leave requests will be deducted from the new leave balance.

To delete a leave item entry:

  1. Go to People.
  2. Select a staff > Time > Leave Balance.
  3. Select Manage Leaves.
    The Manage Leave Items screen appears.
  4. Under a leave item, select the Expand icon to view the leave item entries.

    Marco Platform's Manage Leave Item screen, with Expand highlighted.
  5. Under the relevant leave item entry, select Remove.

If there is only one entry in the leave item, the leave item will also be automatically removed when the entry is deleted.