API Reference

Get leave items for one staff

GET /api/ee-leave-details-balance

Gets the details for all leave items for one staff, using the user ID in your system (external ID).

The leave details includes leave type, leave balance, effective date, and more, which will be displayed in your language of choice.


Query parameters

lang string Required

The language settings, formatted as an uppercase ISO 639-1 code. The leave item information will be displayed in the selected language.

Valid values: EN, ZH

customer_id string Required

The unique Marco identifier for your company.

customer_system_id string Required

The staff's unique identifier in your company's system.

Example: 50

filter string Optional

Filter for deleted items. Marco retains deleted items in the system, and you can choose whether deleted items will be returned.

Default: {"is_deleted":false}

Example Requests

Response (200)

A successful response will return an array of objects. Each object contains one leave item's details for the staff.

id integer

The unique Marco identifier for the leave item.

user integer

The unique Marco identifier for the staff.

customer_id integer

The unique Marco identifier for the staff's company.

entitlement integer

The entitlement amount for the leave item.

effective_date string

The effective date for the leave item's entitlement, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.

carried_expiry_date string

The expiry date for the leave item's carried balance, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.

carried integer

The carried over amount for the leave item.

notes string

Company notes for the leave item.

created_at integer

Unix timestamp for the leave item's creation date.

updated_at integer

Unix timestamp for the leave item's update date.

deleted_at integer

Unix timestamp for the leave item's deletion date.

last_modified_by integer

The unique Marco identifier for the user who last modified the leave item details.

{leave_type} object

Leave type metadata.

{leave_type}.id integer

The unique Marco identifier for the leave type.

{leave_type}.country integer

The unique Marco identifier for the leave type's associated country.

{leave_type}.leave_type_name integer

The leave type name.

Example: Sick Leave

{leave_type}.leave_type_notes string

The notes for the leave type.

balance integer

The total balance available for the leave item.

taken integer

The total number of leave days consumed for the leave item.

entitlement_can_use integer

The amount of available leave, excluding the carried balance.

carried_can_use integer

The amount of available carried balance.