API Reference

Add time-off record

POST /api/apply-ee-time-off

Adds a time-off record to one staff, using the user ID in your system (external ID). The time-off record can be added in your language of choice.


Body parameters

customer_id integer Required

The unique Marco identifier for your company.

customer_system_id string Required

The staff's unique identifier in your company's system.

Example: 50

leave_type string Required

The leave type.

Example: Sick Leave

lang string Required

The language settings, formatted as an uppercase ISO 639-1 code. The leave type information should be sent in the selected language.

Valid values: EN, ZH

country string Required

The country where the leave will be taken, formatted as an ISO Alpha-2 code.

Example: JP

start_date string Required

The start date of the leave request, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.

Example: 2023-12-31

end_date string Required

The end date of the leave request, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.

total_days string Required

The total number of days in the leave request.

notes string Optional

The notes for the time-off record. Typically contains the reason for the leave application.

decision string Optional

The decision for the leave request.

Valid values: Approve, Reject

Example Requests

Response (200)

{time_off_data} object

The time-off record details.

{time_off_data}.id integer

The unique Marco identifier for the staff's time-off record.

{time_off_data}.user integer

The unique Marco identifier for the staff.

{time_off_data}.customer_id integer

The staff's unique identifier in your company's system.

Example: 50

{time_off_data}.leave_type integer

The unique Marco identifier for the leave type.

{time_off_data}.approver integer

The unique Marco identifier for the approver.

{time_off_data}.total_days integer

The total number of days in the leave request.

{time_off_data}.start_date string

The start date of the leave request, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.

Example: 2023-12-31

{time_off_data}.end_date string

The end date of the leave request, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.

{time_off_data}.notes string

The notes for the time-off record. Typically contains the reason for the leave application.

{time_off_data}.reject_notes string

The rejection notes for the time-off record, if rejected.

{time_off_data}.decision string

The decision for the leave request.

Valid values: Approve, Reject

{time_off_data}.doc_list array[string]

The supporting documents for the leave application.

{time_off_data}.created_at integer

Unix timestamp for the time-off record's creation date.

{time_off_data}.updated_at integer

Unix timestamp for the time-off record's update date.

{time_off_data}.deleted_at integer

Unix timestamp for the time-off record's deletion date.

{time_off_data}.last_modified_by integer

The unique Marco identifier for the user who last modified the leave item details.

message string

The endpoint response status.